Tata Fellow Varun Mehra on how solar pumps could make farming more profitable and lead the way toward rural electrification....
In the wake of violence, a vibrant industrial city looks to change its reputation, and the lives of its residents, for the better....
Tata Fellow Michael Laracy is reimagining India's most basic building material and helping factories reduce their waste footprint...
“The time is now for countries to use new technologies to solve old problems."...
India has become a business giant, and the upper echelons of its economic pyramid are among the most successful in the world. But...
Tata Fellows, Faculty, and Staff are currently spread across India doing field research related to their projects. From classrooms...
A third of the world's population lives in informal settlements, and Tata Center alumna Vargas's unique project addresses their ne...
Over 60 students, faculty, and staff members affiliated with the MIT Tata Center will spend their IAP on the Indian subcontinent...
IIT Bombay professor urges engineers to think simply and educators to create enlightened entrepreneurs in visit to MIT...
Meeting between sister-centers yields cross-pollination of ideas, and further collaborations are planned for 2015...