
Indian beehive technology


This research on Indian beekeeping is investigating novel strategies to mitigate colony loss and improve honey yields. A number of stresses can affect the health of bee colonies in India, including extreme heat and pests such as wasps, ants, and moths. We are exploring a suite of potential innovations, including roof designs for better heat control in hives, increased hive standardization, and techniques to improve hive management. By comparing paint colors, testing designs of Indian hives roofs, and experimenting with various sized entrances, the research finds many ready-to-implement improvements to Indian beehives.

Findings from experiments in India, rapid prototypes, and fluid flow modeling have been shared with Indian bee researchers and trainers, NGOs, government officials, and hive manufacturers.


Project Media:

THESIS: Improving Indian beehives and beekeeping

BRIEF: Using Color to Improve Beehive Temperature Control

BRIEF: Improving Indian Hive Standardization

VIDEO SERIES: Indian Beekeeping Research


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Indian beehive technology

Indian Bee Trainers