With the Tata Center, he works on low-cost, high-performance air quality sensors....
Researching tools to combat diabetes in India, first-year Tata Fellow returns to her roots....
Postdoc in the Tata Center and Media Lab creates point-of-care diagnostic technology....
Amit Kumar and Gregory Stephanopolous look to the future of emissions reduction and recycling....
Tata Fellow adds to an impressive record in business and technology competitions....
Traveling to India sparks a personal and professional revelation for first-year Tata Fellow....
In visit to MIT, Emily Rosenbaum, CEO of Akshaya Patra USA, talks about the mission to boost education in India through food....
Chemistry professor works on energy storage with applications in India....
MIT PIs to receive funding and holistic support for projects seeking impact in the developing world....
First-year Tata Fellow wants to use architecture and design to strengthen vulnerable communities around the world....