Mohamed Ismail is a SMArchS candidate in the Building Technology group, studying the potential application of structural and material optimization in the alleviation of housing insecurity in the Global South. Mohamed received his Bachelor in Civil and Structural Engineering at Duke University before receiving his Master of Architecture at the University of Virginia. Prior to his arrival at MIT, Mohamed was faculty lecturer at the UVa School of Architecture, teaching Parametric Structural Design and Digital Workflows. What excites Mohamed most is not only the tools and resources now available in the field of structural design, but their potential application and immediate viability in the world today. At MIT, Mohamed will be working with the Tata Center, Doctor Caitlin Mueller, and the Digital Structures Lab to design low-cost, low-carbon structural components for housing in India.
Mohamed enjoys painting, drawing, guitar, travel, reading fiction and architectural manifestos, getting lost in bookstores, and cooking. He also goes by Moh.